FuseAI and NIS2 Standards

FuseAI and NIS2 Standards

In response to escalating cyber threats, the European Union has decided to enhance cybersecurity regulations by introducing the NIS2 Directive. This move addresses the need to bolster the digital resilience of member states and ensure a higher level of protection for networks and information systems in key economic sectors and digital services. Compared to its predecessor, the NIS1 Directive of 2016, the new legislation significantly broadens the scope of entities under regulation.

Objective of the NIS2 Directive

The NIS2 Directive intensifies cybersecurity measures across the EU by expanding risk management and incident reporting requirements to various new sectors, from energy to banking, as well as digital service providers. Its goal is to elevate the overall level of protection against rising cyber threats while ensuring consistent operational frameworks across all member states.

Scope and Reach of the NIS2 Directive

The NIS2 Directive substantially widens the cybersecurity domain within the European Union, going beyond the protection of critical infrastructure to encompass a broad spectrum of sectors. It aims to strengthen protection against cyber threats in key areas of the economy and emerging digital technologies, laying the foundation for a secure modern economy and society.

Requirements of the NIS2 Directive

The NIS2 Directive imposes a series of obligations on organizations aimed at strengthening cybersecurity, such as:

  • Regular training for management and employees.
  • The use of certified ICT products and services.
  • Informing service recipients about serious incidents and remedial measures.
  • Reporting serious incidents to competent authorities such as CSIRT within specified timeframes.
  • Applying proportionate cyber risk management measures, including risk analysis, supply chain security, cybersecurity practices, incident management, security in the acquisition, development, and maintenance of information systems, and the use of MFA solutions, cryptography, and encryption where appropriate.
  • Regular audits and assessments to ensure continuous compliance.

Applying proportionate cyber risk management measures, including risk analysis, supply chain security, cybersecurity practices, incident management, security in the acquisition, development, and maintenance of information systems, and the use of MFA solutions and cryptography and encryption where appropriate.

Organizations must also ensure operational continuity by managing backups and recovery plans and adhering to asset management and access control procedures. Implementing these measures not only helps fulfill NIS2 requirements but also significantly enhances an organization’s resilience against cyberattacks, minimizing the impact of potential incidents on business operations and their customers. Importantly, in cases of non-compliance, organizations are obliged to promptly implement remedial measures, underscoring the importance of responsible cybersecurity management.  

Enhancing NIS2 Compliance: FuseAI's Proactive Cybersecurity Strategies

FuseAI is deeply committed to supporting the NIS2 directive through its rigorous Risk Analysis and Information System Security Policy. By implementing comprehensive IT risk management policies, FuseAI focuses on the identification, assessment, and mitigation of threats to information systems. Utilizing advanced risk analysis tools, FuseAI ensures continuous monitoring of the technological environments of companies, which keeps them a step ahead of potential threats. This proactive approach in detection and rapid response to incidents, coupled with thorough security testing of IT resources, aligns FuseAI's operations with the high standards required under the NIS2 directive for enhancing digital resilience across the EU.

Additionally, FuseAI strengthens NIS2 compliance through its meticulous Security in the Process of Acquiring, Developing, and Maintaining Networks and Information Systems. Our security strategy encompasses the entire software development lifecycle—from the initial acquisition and deployment through to ongoing maintenance. Each phase is intentionally designed with robust security measures, incorporating procedures for the effective handling of detected vulnerabilities. By operating with transparency in the disclosure and management of vulnerabilities, FuseAI not only adheres to the requirements of the NIS2 directive but also sets a precedent for responsible cybersecurity practices across the industry. This comprehensive security framework ensures that all stages of software handling meet and exceed the evolving cybersecurity standards set forth by the European Union.

The Critical Importance of Complying with NIS2 Directive Requirements

Adhering to the requirements of the NIS2 Directive is crucial not only for maintaining cybersecurity but also due to the severe legal and financial consequences for non-compliance. Entities that fail to implement the mandated security measures face stringent financial penalties. Governing bodies of essential entities may incur fines up to 10 million EUR or 2% of total global turnover from the previous year, while important entities could face penalties up to 7 million EUR or 1.4% of annual turnover—whichever is higher. These substantial fines underscore the importance of implementing effective and proportionate cyber risk management measures. Such measures are essential to safeguard networks and information systems that are vital for conducting business and delivering services, emphasizing the critical nature of compliance with the directive.


The introduction of the NIS2 Directive by the European Union marks a significant advancement in the strengthening of cybersecurity across member states. By expanding the regulatory scope beyond the NIS1 Directive, NIS2 encompasses a broader array of sectors and imposes stringent cybersecurity requirements to address the escalating cyber threats. These measures aim to enhance the digital resilience of the EU by safeguarding networks and information systems that are crucial for the functioning of key economic sectors and digital services.

FuseAI's rigorous implementation of risk analysis and security practices exemplifies how organizations can align with and exceed NIS2 standards, setting a benchmark in the cybersecurity industry. Through proactive threat detection, comprehensive risk management, and the secure development and maintenance of information systems, FuseAI not only ensures compliance with the directive but also enhances the security and operational continuity of the organizations it serves. Moreover, the severe financial penalties for non-compliance highlight the necessity of adhering to these regulations, underscoring the directive's role in fostering a secure, modern digital economy and society. This holistic approach not only meets the mandated requirements but also significantly mitigates the risk of cyber threats, ensuring a robust defense system for the digital landscape of the future.